Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Just Being Haddy.

A few weeks ago my adorable niece Haddy (almost 5 years old) spent the day with me and we had our own little "photo shoot". She was my fabulous model... showing me all of her "model poses". Levi, her baby brother, was not interested in the getting his picture taken. :) Here are some of the results of our fun. This first shot is one of my favorites... it's SO Haddy! Let the jumping begin!!

(found this duck costume in my box of props and she didn't want to take it off. It made me giggle all day.)

(yep, she jumped into me several times)

(above) one of her "model poses"

another one.

(above) My favorite shot

Friday, March 27, 2009

Losin' my marbles

Fun with Depth of Field

(above) foreground in focus- background blurred

(above) foreground blurred and background in focus

(3 photos above) With only the middle in focus and the foreground and background blurred- it draws your eyes to the cool orange marble in the middle.

extended depth of field-- everything in focus

Jam Session

haha! Get it... jam session? ;) Man, I'm clever sometimes.
Anyways, I've been taking a studio class at DMACC and needed some things to shoot. Deb, my fabulous mother-in-law, was kind enough to give me some of her things, that she also happened to need pictures of. She's into making jelly and canning, and also has a lot of really cool "antique-y" things, so I had a lot of fun with this one.

In the above 3 pictures, I really tried accenting different words in the shot-- to draw you eye into the photo and create a little interest.

I love the simplicity of the plain old pickle relish jars and the white background.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Botanical Bore

Sophia and I took off this afternoon to check out the Botanical Center. I was asked to shoot some photos of flowers and plants for some backgrounds for church power points as well as for art in our church auditorium. I had way more fun that Soph (as you can see from the shots of her below), but she was a good sport. Anyways, these are a few of the results from our little excursion today.

This picture describes perfectly how she felt about riding along in the Botanical Center today.

Burg Boys Adventure

Last Thursday I got the chance to go out and shoot some pictures of Collin and Gabe Burg... and a couple of their mama Sarah too. ;) We headed up to ISU in Ames and wandered around campus to find some cool shots. The boys did great and had lots of fun playing on the steps and climbing the trees. Here are some of my favorites from the shoot.


How great is this laugh??? Love it!!
Keeping one eye on his big brother.

Gabe offering to catch Collin if he falls from the tree. SO cute!

Look out ladies! ;)

My favorite shot