Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Botanical Bore

Sophia and I took off this afternoon to check out the Botanical Center. I was asked to shoot some photos of flowers and plants for some backgrounds for church power points as well as for art in our church auditorium. I had way more fun that Soph (as you can see from the shots of her below), but she was a good sport. Anyways, these are a few of the results from our little excursion today.

This picture describes perfectly how she felt about riding along in the Botanical Center today.


  1. I love these pictures, Jen!!! I'm so excited for this blog!!

  2. The picture of the leaf is fantastic sis. These look like they will work great for church.

  3. Hey whats on Sophies head?

  4. You got some FABULOUS flower shots (I hope you sang that ;-))
